First appointment


You can arrange the first appointment by calling the Reception at Atromedical, The Arthroscopy and Joint Reconstruction Surgery Center.

The Patient is asked to bring their original/copies of medical documentation (if they have one), that is:

  • X-rays, USG, MRI and/or CT – not only image descriptions but also CD records;
  • Lab tests results;
  • Hospital charts;
  • Hospital discharge cards.



Usually the Patient sees the physiotherpist after seeing the doctor. If that's not the case, please directly call the physiotherapist (see Rehabiliation Team).

We kindly ask the Patients to brig sweat suits (that allow easy acess to the sick area) and sports shoes or flip-flops.

Please bring medical original/copies of documentation (if you have one):

  • X-rays, USG, MRI and/or CT;
  • Lab tests results;
  • Hospital charts;
  • Hospital discharge charts.